Friday 29 February 2008

Stupid bl*&dy targets!

Like most runners I'm sure, I'm apt to set myself targets and then stick to them come what may. Today, I was really regretting that decision.

Dunno if anyone else has ventured out but it's wild here in south Ayrshire. I'd set myself a 200 mile target for February and was 12 miles short this morning. Nothing for it but to brave the elements! It was, without a doubt, one of the most unpleasant runs I've done in a long time. Running two miles along Ayr seafront into the teeth of the wind took me over 30 minutes. I swear it was nearer 40. The constant wind was bad enough (much worse than last weekend even) but the gusts meant that there were occasions when I only went up and down, not forward.

The irony of it all is that I had time yesterday but squandered it! Still, what doesn't kill us must make us stronger (I hope).

1 comment:

ianbeattie1 said...

Tim, I laughed at this posting. I also set myself a 200 mile target for February, and after Thursday had done 193. Meant I had to forego any wine at the FD of the Year lunch, and head out in the wild weather for a 7 mile run last night. What are we like? Ian