Wednesday 20 February 2008

No DOMS & mile reps

The delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) that I had feared after Carnethy never materialised and I had a good run out on Monday evening whilst watching an absolutely glorious sunset.

Last night was our night for "mile repeats". I say "mile" as I don't think it's ever been accurately measured but that's less important that having a consistent distance loop to run. Last month I had a horrid run round the same circuit. I started slow and just kept getting slower. The following day I had to cut a training run short I was feeling so weak.

Yesterday though, I started reasonably quick (6:11), then ran my second lap at 6:07 and my third lap at 6:03. Now that was a much better session. Ideally I should probably do more reps but the enthusiasm wanes pretty darned quick, particularly when all your club mates have had enough too. Think I need to trade them in for a faster lot. ;-)

One thing that I'm never sure about is the relative benefits of long (say 4 minute) over short (say 90 sec to 2 minute) recoveries. Last night I was taking 4 minute recoveries which certainly helped me with repeating (and improving) my times) but in a race situation (well road race anyway), you don't get time off to recover so I'm never sure whether shorter recoveries would be better. Any opinions gratefully received.

Things are looking good for a long run this weekend (Tyndrum to Kingshouse and back to BoO). If it goes as well as my last run on the WHW I'll be pleased. My hydration & nutrition seemed to work out well on that occasions. My biggest worry is about stopping for too long in Kingshouse before returning. I actually found the last run more enjoyable because I stopped less. I fear the sunny frosty weather is over but as long as the company's good, it really doesn't matter what the weather's like.

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