Thursday 28 May 2009

Vibram 5 Fingers

This was going to be a post about my first impressions of running in VFFs but sadly, what I feared came to pass, namely that the size I ordered was just too small.

It's one of the reasons I hardly ever buy shoes on-line but with the VFFs, that's pretty much your only option in the west of Scotland.

Of course, it could be argued that if running barefoot is so great, you shouldn't need things like the VFFs but I think you need to be a bit pragmatic and accept that there will be many routes that one either has to avoid altogether, don't avoid and run incredibly slowly or wear some sort of shoe and run pretty much as normal.

Well I'm not dabbling with barefoot running to end up running slower so I'm taking the pragmatic route. Run barefoot when I can and wear appropriate footwear when I can't.

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