Wednesday 9 April 2008

Bah humbug!

I bent over to pick up a laptop yesterday and something went "twang" in my back. Since then, I've been struggling to walk let alone run. :-(

All down to doing our builder a favour and helping him carry some awkward heavy boxes the day before. (It's rarely the same say that my back goes, it's nearly always the day after). Anyhow, it's probably no bad thing to have a few days rest from the running and when this happens, I'm usually right in a day or so. Hopefully I'll be recovered in time for the Screel hill race this Saturday.

Till then, it's plenty of ibuprofen & red wine. Not just because I'm an alky, but I find alcohol really helps relieve the muscle spasm. So there's a silver lining after all. ;-)


Debs M-C said...

My thoughts exactly. Red wine is the cure for many aches and pains.

What's a posh boy like you doing lifting stuff? Aren't you supposed to pay someone to do that?

Hope you're well soon

Subversive Runner said...

Good man Tim, glad to hear you're joining the ranks of the alcohol dependant!!!

I left a message on your Gmail thanking for the non-horrible file sharing link. Any chance of some IT lessons.....any chance of putting my clip on 'Return From France' the right way up????