Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Moving on

On Wednesday we said goodbye to Fergie at a packed (to overflowing) service at the crematorium. It was an emotional service lightened by the choice of "Simply the best" as the closing music for the service which raised a smile all around. Hard though is was, it was good to be there and meet the family.

Saturday was the West District XC relay races at Irvine beach park. The weather was all wrong for XC, sunny & warm which was a bit distracting but we coped manfully. ;-)

I drew the 3rd leg of our 4 man relay team and thanks to a slowing lap by own first man, had the pleasure of chasing down three men on my lap. Despite my recent marathon, the short hills felt much easier this year than in previous years, I suspect due to my hilly tempo runs which have been a good match in distance & elevation wise for this sort of racing.

Went out for a nice 10 miler over the Carrick hills on Sunday, not just for the uphills but for the great downhill running workout that it gives. I was flying down the seaward side of the hill dodging cows at every turn of the road. At this time of year the road seems to be their favorite spot. Fortunately none of them seemed capable of doing the maths and realising that they had me outnumbered. ;-)

Yesterday was spent mud-plugging on my mountain bike down at Kirroughtree. Slippery conditions and a new bike meant that I wasn't overly adventurous on the tricky bits. Perhaps just a sign of getting older. Got another day out planned today at Glentress on my bike. Here's hoping all this cross-training does me some good.

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