Thursday, 4 October 2007

Apologies, condolences & marathon preparation

It occured to me that I was being more than a bit unfair questioning the sincerity of spectators at big city marathons. Who am I to pass judgement on the motives of all those people who turn out to cheer on the runners? All I know is that I appreciate the folk who turn out for the Loch Ness marathon more than the ones who turn out for London. Perhaps it's a sign of my age but I find loud noise very wearing and the cheering in London is positively exhausting! Anyway, if you've ever been a spectator in London and felt slighted by my comment yesterday, my apologies!

Messages of condolence continue to come in thick and fast for Fergie (over 50 messages since I set it up late Monday night and read nearly 2000 times) and it brings me (and I'm sure others) some comfort to know how well regarded & loved he was by so many people. I'll take along a printout of all the messages of condolence to the club tonight for the members who don't have (or don't use) internet access.

It's now only 3 days to go until Loch Ness and I'm going to have a last easy run with the club tonight. After that, it's in the lap of the gods!

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