Wednesday, 24 October 2007

Begone foul photo!

Gotta post something just to move that awful picture down the page if for no other reason! ;-)

I was advising another runner on a USENET group to vary his running a bit more as he only had two training distances that he repeated regularly, a sure recipe for boredom and possibly injury. Looking back on my log for the last two weeks shows that over that period at least I've not been guilty of the same sin. (Always a worry when offering advice is that you find you're guilty of "Do as I say, not as I do").

Since the Loch Ness marathon apart from two XC races over the same course, I've been mountain biking in Glentress and Kirroughtree, done a 5 mile short hill rep session, a 10 mile run over the Carrick hills, a 7 mile tempo trail run along the river Ayr, done an easy 13 miler, a 5 mile fartlek session and a 7 mile reps session with 40 second reps and 80 second recoveries.

It might not look much like a training plan but at least it has a bit of variety! I would like to be able to say hand on heart that my training is always so varied but the mountain biking which I enjoy probably won't happen that regularly if only because it's such a long way to the great 7Stanes tracks. For anyone who has a mountain bike and has ever wondered "What is this thing really for?", visit one of these great Forestry Commission tracks. Some have more forest road than others (which is boring) but many have some great "single track" which is a one-way track specially constructed for maximum fun. Not without its dangers of course but the adrenaline buzz is quite addictive.

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