Thursday 8 November 2007


I can put up with all sorts of weather when I'm running but the moment you add in wind, it becomes a whole lot less enjoyable. I should imagine that the only people who hate it more than runners is cyclists but that just serves them right for indulging in such a perverse activity. ;-)

Strangely though, I rather suspect that the wind was responsible for me running a PB on my tempo run today. I decided to forsake my favourite tempo run around Auchincruive as it's really become too slippery to either run as fast or as safely as I'd like. It's a shame as I really do enjoy it but it's probably not doing a tremendous amount to help me build speed at the moment so I went back to an old road route that I've not run for a while ( Again, it's not a enormously fast route as it has a pretty serious hill on it but I like the odd hill to break things up a bit.

Anyway despite being a circular route whenever I should have been hindered by the wind, the local topography was sheltering me from the wind. A bit of a win/win situation with the wind for once.

Fingers crossed that this wind subsides a bit before this weekend's long run on the WHW.

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