Friday, 6 March 2009

Mind the gap!

You know, that yawning one between what you *think* you can do and what you can actually do. ;-)

I had visions of doing an "easy" 13 miler yesterday but decided that that was a bit ambitious so soon after returning to regularish running and settled for an easy 6ish mile lap of part of the River Ayr Way.

Somewhat ambitiously I started my stopwatch at the start of the run (BIG mistake) but I knew within seconds of starting that my time was going to be entirely academic. My legs felt like I'd raced a marathon on Tuesday, not a 5k! I pushed on through the mud though and finished in 70 minutes. (I used to be able to run it in under 52 minutes).


Still, the back continues to improve and I should count my blessings. I didn't wimp out on any of the hills and ran them all so it could have been worse. I just hope I can get fit enough to enjoy the Fling.


Brian Mc said...

Keep with it and you'll be back on form in no time.

Harvey said...

Harvey would of course be the dog of pacepusher who can't speak for himself! Dig in there mate, you're running, that's the main thing! If you can finish the fling, then that's an achievement, then you can look towards enjoying the WHWR even if a PB is out the window! Smell the flowers and enjoy the Way!