Monday, 6 October 2008


I didn't mention the way that my legs completely siezed up once I crossed the finish line yesterday.  One moment working like a well oiled machine, the next feeling like someone had thrown a bucket of sand in my gearbox.  It seemed to take me an age to hobble to the goody bag pick-up (about 10 yards) and then all the way to the de-chipping area (another 10 yrds!).  I then had to lift my foot on to a cruelly high bench for de-chipping (must have been getting on for 10" high).  After that is was a very slow hobble to collect my bag and off to the showers.

Fortunately, by the time I had finished my shower things had eased off a bit but I was still much much stiffer than I had been after my hill race last week and it was a strong reminder of just how much harder road marathons are on your body than trail races.

Anyway, I was feeling not too bad this morning and was seriously thinking of going on a gentle jog to loosen off after the dog walk.  I only made it about 300 yards along the beach when I became aware of a niggle behind one ankle.  In the space of 100 yards it went from niggle to agony and I could barely walk and had to cut short my walk.  After resting and waiting for my companions to bring the car back to me, I got fed up and started hobbling again slowly.  Weirdly, just before I got back to the car it started to ease off and is now just uncomfortable.

Goodness knows what's going on but I guess my body is trying to tell me something about my hopes of running next weekend.   Perhaps it's time to admit to myself that I'm not indestructable. ;-)

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