Sunday, 11 May 2008

Ben Lomond hill race

Well, as John has already kindly pointed out, I did finish in the top 100. However with only 121 runners, 98th isn't that impressive. ;-) I finished in 1:54:40 (%158.5 of the winner's time).ild u

I was a bit disappointed in my time but a week spent fighting a gut bug (whilst continuing my training) probably didn't help. I could have rested more pre-race but I try not to let pre-whw events interfere too much with my training as I think it's easy to end up missing out on a lot of useful "miles on legs" in the build up to the WHW race if one's not careful.

Weather conditions were perfect for the race. The early sunshine turned to overcast skies with a little light rain and gentle winds, just enough to cool on a warm day but not enough to impede.

The race pretty much follows the tourist route up and down Ben Lomond with a few diversions just to add to the suffering. In character it's quite like the Goat Fell race (but with less road) but the unrelenting climb was more reminiscent of Ben Nevis. Fairly quickly on I decided that I wasn't cut out to be a hill runner. The urge to chuck it all in, have a lie down and just enjoy the fantastic scenery was almost overwhelming, but, in the end, pigheadedness and pride won out and I continued my slow slog to the summit where water was on offer.

Once round the summit cairn it was time to do the thing that I find even harder than running up hills, namely running down them again! As runner after runner came flying down the hillside past me it was brought home to me forcefully how important appropriate trianing is for hill racing.

Of course, for me this race was primarily about building leg strength and surviving the descent intact and I was pleased to get down with all the skin I started with, which was more than could be said for many of the runners.

One of the best aspect of the Ben Lomond race has got to be the proximity of a large body of water waiting to greet hot & exhausted runners. Wading into the loch was sheer bliss. Once we'd cooled down it was off to the hotel for soup & bread (included in the race fee) and a pint of beer which went down very nicely indeed. ;-)

An excellent event and Westerlands CCC are to be congratulated for their organisation.


Debs M-C said...

That's a fantastic time, Tim. The concept of running up a munro completely baffles me. Well done.

Marco Consani said...

Was the beer included in the entry fee too???? Well done Tim. I might contemplate it next year. If I survive this year. :-)

Subversive Runner said...

Nice one, Tim. I'd like to join you next year if you're up for it.

Brian Mc said...

And I ran up Ben Lomond over Christmas for the sheer fun! If I'd known about the free beer I might have waited. Mmm beer.

Well played on the result.

Tim said...

Hi Dave, not sure if there will be a next time. ;-)

I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with hill running and I don't do enough of it to get any good. Consequently, it's always a really tough struggle (as is all racing of course).

Sorry to mislead you all over the free beer. The only free beer on offer either had to be won (as a prize) or cadged off your club mates. I successfully achieved the latter. ;-)