Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Tough break DQ

Just heard about a friend's (DQ) withdrawal from the WHW race. As someone who's "been there, done that, got the T-shirt" - twice, I know just how horrible it feels when you have to face up to the fact that you're not going to make the start line.

Although it will bring DQ no comfort whatsoever, my experience the second time round was far less traumatic that the first time I had to withdraw. I was able to be far more philosophical about the it second time and enjoyed my months of rest whilst I waited for my foot to heal.

I don't just feel for DQ though, I more than a bit narked that I've been cheated of the oppotunity to humiliate the loud mouthed git by soundly trouncing him in this year's race. ;-)

I hope the DQ will find someway to be invloved with the race even if he's not running it. Marshalling and supporting other runners certainly saved my sanity the two times I was forced to withdraw.

I'm hoping that as I type, he's plotting to set up the best real ale bar at Lundavra for thirsty runners on the day!

1 comment:

Brian Mc said...

A bar at Lundavra. That will almost certainly mean I don't finish ... ;-)