Tuesday, 11 March 2008

There is no god!

How else can you explain why the first three raffle prize winners at Angela Mudge's talk about her record breaking run in the Everest marathon, *didn't* pick up the video camera and then Debbie swans up with her ticket to take away the top prize!

Not that I'm jealous or anything. ;-) Guess I should have bought more tickets!


Debs M-C said...

Some people are just luckier than others.

Just think of all the video diaries I can post of my blog. Just as soon as I work out how to use it.

Marco Consani said...

What Debbie has failed to point out Tim is that the video camera is in fact mine. When she bought the tickets she said I could have the number 74, which funnily enough was the lucky ticket and was funnily enough completely forgotten. Especially as I wanted the signed Angela M picture and not the camera which will now be going onto Ebay. ;-)

Tim said...

You don't want to go selling it on e-bay Marco. Too many dodgy people there. Tell you what, I'll give you £20 for it, at least I will as soon as the ink's dried. ;-)