Wednesday, 19 March 2008

A good week (but could do better)

Ever since Angela's excellent talk last week I've been thinking about but never quite getting round to updating my Blog. Perhaps I just don't lead an exciting enough life or perhaps I just don't lie convincingly. ;-)

Anyway, runningwise, it's been a good week which has helped to make up for my slight disappointment over my Inverness time.

Since last Tuesday:

Wednesday: day off

Thursday: Carrick hill run. This is my 4 miles each way run up and down the Brown Carrick hill to the radio masts. Ran a training PB without really trying too hard. Of course, training PBs don't tell you an awful lot but they're nice to have nevertheless.

Friday: another day off!

Saturday: River Ayr run racing my wife. Before you think I'm setting my sights just a little low, I did give her an 11 mile and 25 minute head start so it wasn't that easy. ;-) We drove up to Failford, left a car by the pub, drove back to Oswalds Bridge at Auchincruive (10 miles downstream) where I dropped my wife, the dogs and her friend. After dropping my daughter in town, I drove home (21 miles from Failford) and set off from there. To be honest, I didn't really expect to catch them, and I didn't. What did surprise me though was that I was only beaten by one minute! I reckon if it hadn't been so muddy I would have made better time and might have caught them. Then again, they might have gone faster too. Still, made for an interesting challenge. As before, finished off with a pint of milk & some fine real ale.

Sunday: An easy 5 miles with my wife.

Monday: An easy 8.25 miles with the dog. He really is getting too old for his lark but he never learns and demands to be taken out and I'm too weak willed to resist his pleadings.

Tuesday: Club hill repeats. Just 3 x 1 mile. I had planned to do four reps but we were keeping the rests down to 3 minutes and my legs really weren't recovered when I started the third rep. Still, my times were good if somewhat inconsistent. First mile was 6:14. I'd consciously held back a bit but perhaps held back too much. On the second rep I was flying (for me anyway) and ran 5:51, my fastest ever. My third rep on heavy legs still managed to squeeze in under 6 minutes (5:58) so I was pleased with that. Definitely a case of "Could do better" for my report card but pleasing to get two sub 6 minute laps in.

Just to brighten a dull blog, here's a picture of Roger cooling his paws.


Brian Mc said...

Sounds like you are running loads! What an impressively active fellow. Puts me to shame at any rate!

Tim said...

I need to run a bit further to make up for the effects of my age. ;-)

That said, I don't think I'm running *that* much. Aiming for about 200 miles a month.

Brian Mc said...

Yep, suppose. I'm aiming for 40-50 miles per week, so 180-200 per month.