Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Response from Scottish Athletics

Well, I emailed Scottish Athletics yesterday with my thoughts on the discrimination inherent in the present way that Cross Country racing in organised and received a reply this morning. Apparently my views are being forwarded to the Cross Country Commission for them to discuss internally (and hopefully respond).

A tiny step forward maybe but a step forward nonetheless. I've also suggested to them that they might want to consider scrapping the existing senior women's event and replacing it with a "sprint distance" event open to all. This would be appreciated not only by new runners nervous about being able to complete the full distance of a normal XC event, but older runners as well who may find that declining abilities make the full distance a daunting prospect.

Meanwhile, my poll on the Scottish Athletics forum seems to have plateaued out at 23 for to 3 against. Still no response from the nay voters.

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