Sunday, 18 November 2007

Bad news, good news

The bad news is that my dream of running the MOB is no more, a big disappointment but one that I'll get over. (Maybe I'll just have to organise my own multiday event? Anyone up for the "Marathon of Scotland"?)

The good news is that Rory (Coleman) the race director has done the honorable thing and said that he's refunding my deposit. Assuming he can find folk prepared to stump up £1,500 pounds, it makes economic sense for him as he can resell my space for a profit. If he can fill the places then who am I to say that it's too expensive? Clearly the market will decide how much is too much.

In some ways, it's nice not having both the WHW and the MOB hanging over me next year. I feel I can now give the WHW my full attention (and appreciation) and then enjoy the period afterwards without the nagging worries over whether injury might sideline me from the MOB again. I've also received an email from an ex-director of the MOB who is setting up a new slightly longer multiday event in Canada that looks interesting. Here's a taster of what he's planning.

We are putting the final touches to a new 6 day race over here in Toronto. The Maraton of Ontario Summer Edition (MOOSE). We have taken all the best bits of MOB and made them better. The course is more stunning and testing, and is slightly longer, 302km. We are keeping the numbers down to keep the village atmosphere, and for competitor safety. The price is similar to MOB, and even with the flights included it works out less that any of the RAW events. We also a have additional things included, like hotel nights in Toronto before and after the event, and maybe a baseball game. We are also planning excursions during the event (Niagra Falls, CN Tower etc) for friends and family who come over too. It is going to be the ultimate competitors.

The dates are 15th – 23rd August 2008. We are in the process of finishing the website and well send a mailing out when live.

Richard Price

Other news, I ran a race today! Strathaven Striders had organised a new downhill 10K which was a bit different. Not all downhill but sufficiently so to ensure that the times were fast. Kind of pleased (but also a little disappointed) in my time of 41:51 but the organisation was excellent and the course great. Definitely one to do every year.

Here's the route and the course.

The last km was great! Unlike a normal 10K where you're really struggling over the last km, here you had the help of gravity which was much appreciated by this runner. ;-)

1 comment:

ianbeattie1 said...

I like the sound of that Canadian event. We were thinking about going to Canada at some time! Wonder if allybea will be persuaded? If you find out more could you let me know?