Sunday 28 June 2009

Another year, another barbecue

I think this is the third year that Ian & Alison have hosted the post-WHW race barbecue and, as ever, it was a splendid occasion. Despite not having run the race this year I still feel part of the "family" and it was great to meet up with so many of the WHW runners again.

First order of the day after arriving though was to pitch our tent. Some folk seemed to enjoy this exercise so much they did it twice!

Their excuse was that they'd put it up inside out to start with. ;-)

A few more photos from the evening.

I think Ian was discussing our favourite fireman judging from his hand movements. ;-)

Of course you need dogs at a barbecue and in addition to Ian's own dogs, there was Harvey (Neal's gorgeous collie cross) and a spooky encounter with a ghost dog.

Once again it was a great occasion an one that really makes the WHW race & family stand out from other events. Top marks to Ian & Alison!

Lastly, gotta mention Jez Bragg's outstanding achievement in the Western States 100 mile trail race where he came in third. Last year he was all psyched up for it (and over in the US) when the race was called off due to forest fires. No such disappointment this year!

You can read his blog here and watch him finishing here.


Harvey said...

That ghost dog kept me awake all woofing night! I was scared woofless!

woof woof!

Tim said...

Hi Harvey, how's the paw? Did Neal drag you off to a vet or has it got better on its own?

Subversive Runner said...

Better a hairy-palmed mention than none at all, I guess. Boo, hoo, really gutted I missed it.