Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Great balls of fire!

After the excesses of the weekend I've been suffering from burning balls. No more than I deserve no doubt after attempting 20 miles in my Vibram FFs. Ever since the balls of my feet have been decidedly tender and burning gently.
I really should have changed my shoes after 10 miles or so as 6 miles was my previous longest run in the shoes but I've never been good at knowing when enough is enough. Still, it was great to be out enjoying a 20 mile run on the River Ayr Way with friends in benign running weather. Better still, I've had no back pain for 3 days now!

1 comment:

Lahric said...

Started down the VFF route myself and have worked up to 5 miles on the roads and regular 5k's on the beach.
Looking forward to getting on the trails soon to try them out there.
Look forward to hearing how you continue with the Vibrams.