Thursday, 24 September 2009

6.2 mile trail run. 52 minutes

In my dreams!

That's the kind of time I used to run this local hilly loop in but not any more. It took me 74 minutes of plodding to get around this loop today but at least I did get around without walking. The thing is, before I started, my back was pain free, I was feeling good, and I was so delusional I really did think I could have a "good" run around this loop.

The moment I started running the familiar ache was back but with possibly misplaced confidence that it would settle down, I plugged on taking teeny weeny steps and generally taking it very easy. Sure enough, within a mile or so it started easing off to "blunt screwdriver" level and by 3 miles it was down to a distracting discomfort. None of it nice but miles better than the pain that I've been having in the past that always brought me to grinding halt, on the verge of weepiing tears of frustration.

The last 2 miles were relatively "easy" and I even managed a bit of a sprint to finish off with. I'm really beginning to believe that I *will* go to the ball next year. ;-)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad things are on the mend for you. slow and easy wins the day.

