Friday, 13 February 2009

Thanks for all your support but... you've probably guessed, I've decided to pull out of this year's race.

I'm getting quite used to this now, this being my third pre-race withdrawal. ;-) Consequently, this isn't a heartbreaking decision, it's just a recognition that I have to do what I think is best for me. I'm very comfortable with the decision and I'm already looking forward to a year of non-running challenges.

In many ways, I feel like I've already missed the race. For me, the race really begins once my entry is accepted and from then on, I'm focused for the year ahead on my WHW goal. I take pleasure in the build-up in training and participating in the group runs so even if I were to get to the start line in "good enough" shape to complete the race, I'd still feel short changed.

So once again, my thanks to all for your words of encouragement and support. They were all appreciated.


Marco Consani said...

Hi Tim,
I am sorry to hear that you have decided to pull out of the race this year. You will be missed not just on the day but also on the training runs as well.
Take care Tim and hopefully see you soon.
I am sure you will be back for next years race.

Subversive Runner said...

Awww mate, I'm sorry to hear that you'll not be running this year. Totally respect and understand your decision, however. Hopefully we'll see you in June is some other guise (as marshall, maybe?). I hope your injury heals in time for the RAW in September.

Take good care, mate.

Anonymous said...

Tim - sorry to hear that you have pulled out, but you have got to make the decision that is right for you..H Hope that the enforced layoff gets everything sorted .. All the best - Keith

John Kynaston said...

Hi Tim

Sorry to read you have pulled out but I suspected it was coming. I know you were keen to go for a new pb and if you weren't to be in the right shape then it's best to withdraw and get ready for another year.

Hope you can get it sorted soon.


Thomas said...

Tim, I am very sorry about your decision not to run the race this year. Ouch! Is that not a bit too early? Is it not just out of frustration? There is still enough time to get ready isn't it? Please think about it!

Debs M-C said...

Chin up, buddy. I'll see you at the start line next year :-)
Are you still getting involved with the race this year?

Brian Mc said...

Sad to hear about your decision, but time to figure out what else you can get up to! I look forward to hearing about your plans.