Sunday, 8 February 2009

Going quackers

Firstly, I must thank those folk who've offered advice & support recently, in particular Brian and Richie. I'm not very good at this social networking stuff at the best of times and even worse when I'm not running. Anyway, thanks to you all, much appreciated.

As to "going quackers", I've been to see a quack. More specifically a chiropractor. Coming from a medical background I have a high degree of suspicion when it comes to any form of "alternative" therapy, unsupported by peer reviewed research & publications but when you're in a corner, you'll try anything.

It was an interesting experience, filled with various pops & crunches from my spine. Whilst I'm unconvinced by much of the speil that goes with the treatment, it was interesting to see how he picked up real discrepancies in my posture.

I would love to report that I'm now cured but that would be unrealistic. Of course you can't help hoping but I was a bit disappointed to find my pain *worse* the day after. Having said that, I managed a reasonable slow run today (about 4 miles). It started off with quite a lot of pain but as I warmed up things seemed to improve so maybe there is some hope.

I'll give my chiropractor the benefit of the doubt for a couple more sessions at least and decide what to do after that.

As to the long term, I'm obviously questioning whether to do the WHW race but I've decided to leave it to the end of the month before I make a decision. It's not all gloom and doom though, I've had plenty of time to think about running, life, goals, work etc. whilst I've not been running and in many ways, I feel I've "made my peace" so to speak and will be happy with whatever I end up doing this year. If I don't run the WHW race I will probably look for a different non-running challenge that I wouldn't normally consider because I'm used to thinking of myself as "a runner". Don't be too surprised if you see me and Muriel *walking* the WHW this summer during the race. ;-)


Subversive Runner said...

Hey mate, just like to see you and Muriel at the race this year in whatever capacity. But don't sack the WHW race idea yet....

John Kynaston said...

Tough decision to make regarding the whw race. Seems sensible to wait at least until the end of the month. I really hope it clears up and you can train and run the race.

Stay positive!
