Monday, 26 January 2009

No news is bad news :-(

Well, things aren't really any better in my neck of the woods. Still got my sciatic pain that's preventing me running. I probably could find some cross training that would maintain my fitness but I want to run, not cross train!

My physio did some massage and manipulation and whilst it's improved certain aspects of my mobility, it's done very little to improve the pain. I've decided (somewhat late in the day perhaps) to go doctor bothering later this week and see what he has to offer.

I don't hold out much hope of a miracle cure but I feel I ought to check out all my options. There's an off chance that my GP might know a reputable chiropractor and I wouldn't be averse on this occasion to giving a "quack" a go at my back.

The thought of not doing the WHW race this year has crossed my mind. It would be a relief not to worry about playing "catch-up" and possibly doing myself a further mischief. Also, having put in at least once decent run on the WHW, I not sure I want to do it "just to finish". If I'm going to invest the time and effort I want to do it well.

Meanwhile I'm looking forward to meeting the newest Consani who arrived on the 21st.


Andy said...

Hi Tim
Sorry to hear about your back. It's always hard to make a decision on whether to do a race just for fun rather than for a fast time. I tend not too but not sure if that's the right approach or not. Sometimes I feel like I should have done just for the experience of being out on the trails with like minded people.

Regarding your back you need a good physio/oesteo/chiro/trainer that can tell you why you got the problem in the first place. It's all very well to treat the symptoms but unless the cause is addressed it may well come back. Typically doing nothing doesn't help much, it's a case of figuring out what you can do. (Although has you said nothing is a substitute for running)

I've found doctors ( no offence to anyone reading this who is a doctor) aren't much help in looking for the causes of sciatica problems. A good physio or oesteo is a better bet.

Stretching hamstrings for example may help but why are they tight in the first place? Why are the hamstrings doing more work than they should? There must be a weakness somewhere that is causing the hamstring do more work than it should and therefore tighten up.

Often with sciatica ( although not always - everybody is different) gluteus medius is weak, piriformis is tight andmabdominal muscles are weak amongst other things. You need to find someone who can look at you a bit more globally rather than just at your immediate source of pain. Usually the problem is not where the source of pain is. The source of pain is the bit that copped it because of weakness/tightnes somewhere else.

Hope you manage to resolve it soon


Brian Mc said...

Sorry to hear about your problems Tim. Andy's advice is sound and worth following.

I'd also be tempted not to the WHWR for the same reasons you give. Might be better to marshall if the problem doesn't resolve itself in a few weeks?