Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Mile reps

I say "mile" as I don't think anyone has accurately measured our mile course. Still, it's a good opportunity to measure performance and see how much I've slowed down. ;-) I wasn't expecting great things after my somewhat irregular training of late and my dickey back but things weren't as bad as I feared.

I was happy enough with a 6:14, a 6:09 and a 6:12. Certainly not as fast as I was earlier this year but perhaps more encouragingly, only a couple of seconds slower than I was this time last November when I was running more mileage.

My final interview for the Coast Guard job is this Friday but meanwhile, I've got a training session to go along to tonight on the Ballast Bank in Troon. If you see a bunch of nutters wearing helmets and head-torches tonight playing about with ropes, that'll be us. ;-)

1 comment:

Brian Mc said...

Running. You lucky sod. I am jealous.

Coast Guard, eh? It must have been your demonstrated powers of endurance ala WHWR that convinced them. That and the amount of rain that falls on the race they probably also thought you could swim. Good luck with the final stage!