Tuesday, 26 August 2008

The curse of Loch Ness

I know Loch Ness is supposed to have a monster rather than a curse but every year I seem to end up entering it and only later remembering good reasons for *not* doing it.

Once again I've just remembered why I shouldn't have entered. Namely, the Two Breweries Hill race on the 27th of September and the Pentland Skyline on the 12th of October. I've only ever done the Skyline but always wanted to do both of them but with the Loch Ness Marathon on the 6th of October, the timing couldn't be much worse.

I'm sure there are some intrepid souls who would tackle them all but I'm not one of those.

*NEXT* year hopefully I'll remember not to enter. :-(

1 comment:

Brian Mc said...

If I were you I'd forget the marathon and go for the far more interesting hill races! Pentland Skyline looks cracking.