Tuesday, 8 July 2008

B*gger it!

I went out for a gentle run on Sunday evening, two weeks after the WHW race. My legs felt full of bounce but I was aware of a little niggle in the bottom of my right calf muscle. I took it easy and it seemed to improve so I carried on for a couple of miles when I stopped and did a bit of gentle stretching which seemed to loosen things up slightly.

I carried on for another couple of mile (with another gentle stretch) but about a mile from home, whilst running up a small hill, I got a sudden stab of pain in my calf and I was forced to walk/limp the rest of the way home. B*gger, b*gger, b*gger!

I iced it as soon as I got home and went to see my physio on Monday who did the usual black magic with the ultrasound and massage but it's looking like it's going to another week before I'm running again. :-( I managed to borrow an ultrasound machine so at least I can repeat the treatments at home.

I think this is the last time I try resting after a big race! It's brought me nothing but grief, firstly in the form of a chest infection and now this.


Johnny Dx said...

Hang in there Tim... after your effort you can expext your body to lay on a few protests... They'll pass. You'll be back in no time; be patient!
I just took a week off with a nasty 'man-cold' and blow me, just when I feel ready to head for the trail again, I have a return of the dreaded PF...I do know how you are feeling but the big picture is still very rosey (Sub 23 hour goal acheived :) ), isn't it?

That said, all the best for a speedy return.

Thomas said...

Tim, sorry to hear about your niggle but don't forget that your more than half a century old bones allowed you to run an excellent 95 mile race just a couple of weeks ago. In fact that might have been the best race of your life (with hopefully more even better to come). But maybe you (or they, your bones and muscles that is ) just need some more rest. Also you noticed early warning signs during the run which are supposed to tell you something's wrong. I don't think you had too much rest after the WHWRace. You probably had too little. There are runners who take a year off after such a race!

Tim said...

Hi Johnny, Thomas. You're probably both right that I'm just being too impatient. When you're used to running 6 days week, two weeks with no running at all feels like a lifetime.

Another two probably won't do me any harm (physically). Whether I can stand it mentally is another matter!

Brian Mc said...

Although I like running a lot, I also like the change of having a few weeks off to drink beer, relax and recuperate.

Hope the calf clears up soon!

Thomas said...

Tim, I think you have had enough rest now. You can start running again. Or at least blogging...
Everything ok?
