Saturday, 7 June 2008

1000 miles at last!

It's taken rather longer than I'd planned (200 miles per month was the original plan) but it finally came today at the end of a 21 mile run to my favourite pub. Unfortunately I had no money with me so I couldn't celebrate with a pint but that was probably just as well after a large excess of red wine last night. Way behind other WHW runners I'm sure but I've had the spectre of two "Failed to make the start line" hanging over me and it's always been my priority this year to play it safe.

The run itself went well and I even managed to run up the "impossible hill", a long steep flight of steps that I meet 20 miles into my run. Of course it's not really impossible but I've never managed to run up it before so that was very encouraging.

Despite the long run, I am tapering, although not doing a very good job of it. The less I run the worse I feel and it has such an undermining effect on my confidence. One of the runners on the WHW forum commented yesterday that he races better if he *doesn't* taper so maybe the whole tapering business needs some serious research.

Today's run will definitely be my longest run before the race but I'll probably aim for about 40 miles next week before cutting back more for the last week.


ianbeattie1 said...

Tim, your mileage is almost exactly the same as mine. I reached my 1,000 miles on Thursday. Now you have done it, I think it is time to start tapering. I saw Iain R's comments on the forum but didn't really agree with them - you are bound to run better if you body is fresh, IMHO. Last year was the first year I have tapered properly, and set a PB. That's enough evidence for me.

ianbeattie1 said...

Just to add: over the last 3 weeks I have done 86, 66, and 43 miles. This week I am aiming for around 30, and next week I will do about 20 (4 easy runs of 5 miles). I don't think there is any need to do 40. Your body will feel rubbish at the moment - it is the first time for many months it hasn't had to work so hard, and it is saving itself for the ultimate effort on 21 June. When I go on holiday I sleep constantly for about a week, then start to feel better - it is the same principle with tapering.

Brian Mc said...

My ignoring accepted tapering wisdom involves continuing to drink beer, and I have to say I thoroughly enjoy it.

Well done on the 1000 miles!

Thomas said...

Congratulations for reaching the magic 1000. Since I still live in the world of the metric system I was unaware that I have actually passed that milestone a couple of weeks ago and I am now approaching the 1200 now (I had to sit down and do some math to fugure that out). But we are not far apart.

Most importantly (I am sure you will agree with me on that one) we all add another 95 on the 21st!