Thursday, 10 April 2008

Still crocked...

...and I haven't run since Tuesday!

Actually during the night, it seemed to be improving, at least until I got up to make the coffee this morning. Took me 5 minutes to get my socks & knoickers on. :-( It probably wasn't helped by spending hours with the computer re-doing the Highland Fling race website last night.

Dunno if I've improved it but it's a bit different.


allybea said...

Poor you. I can totally sympathise. It's even harder putting on tights with a dodgy back (although hysterical to watch I imagine!)

My physio has persuaded me to try a Pilates class run by a fellow physio. She's already given me some Pilates based exercises and I have to say they really help. My back is beginning to move normally again.

Tim said...

Hi Ally, my comments were slightly tongue-in-cheek as I'm well aware that there are many runners *far* worse off than me at the moment. Runners who haven't run in months due to injury so I daren't whine too much. ;-)

That said, maybe pilates might not be such a bad idea. I've always had a rather "weak" back following, I believe, a childhood injury. Thanks for the sympathy and suggestion.

Thomas said...

Hang in there Father Dougal!
I have just picked up a groin strain (if my self diagnosis is correct). And do you know how? By trying to strengthen my hamstrings on one of those machines in the gym...

Fling website looks great. I hope I will be fit again by then. I really don't want to miss that...

See you in two weeks!

Brian Mc said...


I stupidly strained my calf whilst stretching last week and made it worse by running on it. I learned the lesson quickly and did nothing for 5 days. Ran last night and it seems fine so rest is definitely the best solution.

But you probably know this already!