Saturday, 26 April 2008

Highland Fling. Preliminary report

Finishing time 10:47, which was good enough for first super vet on the day in the absense of real competition. ;-) Thomas offering his congratulations and
me downing my favourite post race drink

Me with Lucy Colquhoun (First lady)


ianbeattie1 said...

Many congratulations Tim. Great performance.

Subversive Runner said...

Nice one Tim. Well done, mate.

Johnny Dx said...

Well done Tim. I look forward to a full report.

Brian Mc said...

Well played Tim. How'd the self sufficiency thing go?

Thomas said...

Tim, congrats again for this great performance. I am more than impressed that you survived that run with just 4 Mars bars and some energy drinks only. Remarkable.

allybea said...

Congratulations! Don't play down your trophy, you can only beat whoever turns up on the day!

Debs M-C said...

I would have chosen the bottle on your right.

Outstanding performance. Another step towards that huge Mars sponsorship deal.

Mark said...

Great run Tim. Judging by your face I think there was total committment in that run. Fantastic time well earned.

As Brian was asking, what about the Mars Bars? Did the Skins help?