I was running last month along with a group of other WHW runners. After the run and on the way back in the minibus I was chatting a bit with George Reid. You can see him in the picture on the right, a screen capture from John Ky's video.
Well I have to be honest and say that his face didn't ring any bells with me and it was George who realised that we'd met before and who dropped me a line to confirm that I was who he thought I was. When I last saw him, he looked more like the second picture on the right! (Taken by my brother circa 1977-78)
Of course chance dictates that people from your past pop up in all sorts of unexpected places but I wouldn't have anticipated anyone turning up in the WHW race. If you're reading this George, I hope you'll forgive me posting this little slice of history. ;-) I dare say I've changed a bit too in the last 30 years.
Looking forward to getting together again and doing a bit of catching up.
I love it when that happens. How did you or your brother know George?
BTW, your new look blog looks good but it hurts my eyes to read white print on a dark background. The letters jump about and it takes longer to read.
Hi Ally. George used to work with my brother 30 years ago and they used to go hill walking together. Sometimes I tagged along which was how I got to know George.
Thanks for you comments. Boffins say that when reading text on a reflective surface (like a piece of paper), blak text on white paper is clearest but when it come to luminous surfaces (like computer screens), the brightness of the background reduces legibility and pale text on a black background is better. Anyway, that's the theory, I'm still experimenting with different fonts to see if that improves things. I do get the odd thing like in my last post where line spacing isn't constant. Don't know what's going on there. :-(
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