Thursday, 10 January 2008

Back to running (and blogging)

It's been a long time since I posted so I'll try and fill in a few gaps without boring everyone silly.

Sometimes when I'm not posting, it's because I'm just clocking up "routine" training miles which I don't think anybody is too interested in. Other times though, it's because I've not been running much. On this occasion, it's the latter reason. ;-) Whilst in some ways I'm envious of runners who can keep up their training through the festive season, part of me feels that if there's ever a time of year when you should swing the family/running balance in the direction of "family", this is the time to do it.

So what have I done? After my kneepit got all inflamed I started myself on some antibiotics I had lying around and went to see the doctor on the 27th. He agreed with my diagnosis and was happy to give me a presciption for the same antibiotics (but this time not out of date ones). I didn't then run until the 2nd of January (a 7 mile easy jog), having spent the intervening days eating and drinking too much (as is normal for this time of year).

On Saturday the 5th I got it into my head that I'd manage a nice easy jog up to Failford from home. Big mistake! Not only was not really up for the distance, the weather was absolutely foul and I was soaked and cold after just 4 miles. Decided to cut my losses and give up my unrealistic plan and headed for home (just another 3 miles but it felt a lot further in that wind!).

On Monday 7th, it was another repeat of my easy jog. Didn't want to do anything too strenuous with the club 5K looming the following evening.

On Tuesday, I was decidedly nervous about how poorly I might run. It was another really windy night but unlike December's 5K, I had someone to chase which was a big help. In the end, I was happy enough with my 20:51. Still leaves me with a fair bit to do to get back uder 20 minutes but I'm sure I'll get there.

This morning (Thursday), I thought I really ought to spend a bit more time running up some hills if I'm going to be taking part in the Carnethy 5 next month so it was back to my old "4 miles up & 4 miles down" run from Minishant up to the radio masts on the Carrick Hill. Not steep or high enough to simulate what I'm going to suffer in the race but it's a start. Felt really feeble going up the hill and was seriously questioning my sanity in entering the Carnethy 5 race. Fortunately , as ever, the descent cheered me up.

Goals for 2008?
Gotta get back under 20 minutes for 5K. I'd love to run a sub-40 10K but that, if it's ever going to happen will have to wait until later in the year. A sub-24hr WHW race is a must but even more importantly, get to the start line! An interesting new event in the autumn is a Cleveland Way race, 110 miles and more elevation than the WHW. Still debating whether to do this or not but I think I'd be foolish to make any decision until after this year's WHW race.

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