Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Idiopathic plantar hidradenitis...

... is a bit of a mouthful but I think is the name for the itchy bumps I get on the soles of my feet when I run a lot.

I've had them on and off for years but never known what the condition was. Somehow it's more comforting to know it has a name. I hope this knowledge brings comfort to other suffers out there. ;-)

Getting back to running, my buttock hasn't fallen off but remains firmly attached. The pain is still present though most of the time so I'm still not out of the woods. Had a lumbar pine x-ray yesterday which I doubt will show anything but as I said, it's part of the work up to a hospital referral.

I went out again on Monday night with Muriel & some friends - there's nothing like 4 runs in 5 days to ease oneself gently back into running after an injury ;-) - and enjoyed an easy six miles. This time there was a bit more of an ache so I think I need a day or two off. The best bit however was blasting up a hill.

I can't remember at what point in my running career hills became a pleasurable challenge rather than something to be avoided. I just love sprinting up sprintable hills. There's just nothing to beat that surge of power, the foot plant, the thrust, the flight, that period of anaerobic burn when you're going all out with no thought for the future, just enjoying the ride.

For some reason my ankles are sore now. Can't think why that should be. ;-)

Monday, 23 February 2009

More weirdness

I was walking in town on Saturday wondering if perhaps I hadn't overdone things on Friday. My buttock was aching with every step as per usual. I was talking to my wife when mid-sentence I stopped & said "It's gone".

Literally in the space of one step, the ache disappeared. Not permanently though but certainly for the rest of the shopping trip. I must admit I'm puzzled as to what kind of pathology can come and go like this. It did come back later but definitely seems to be on the wane.

On Sunday Muriel was keen to go down to Culzean to run the fun run course. (For those not familiar with the area it's a great little hilly 5 & a bit mile trail race that takes place in the grounds of Culzean Castle). I think she must be getting infected with the trail running bug. ;-)

Anyhow, we jogged around together and whilst not completely pain free, it was fantastic to be out on the trails again enjoying the mud & the hills. Of course a couple of good runs isn't going to be enough to get me round the WHW but I've not ruled out having a slow jog along the Fling yet and things are looking more hopeful for a WHW walk.

My month total for February has already surpassed January's mileage (20 vs 16)! Just a little short of the 200 miles per month that I'd normally like to be doing now. ;-)

Saturday, 21 February 2009

Some progress perhaps....

I've not been updating my blog with dreary "still hurts" messages as I'm sure no one wants to hear that so I've been waiting for some improvement.

The improvement may be transitory but it's cheered me up. ;-)

Last week I ceremoniously washed all those bits of running gear that were "half worn", you know, those things that don't quite make your eyes water when you put them on. Working on the principle that I wouldn't be needing them again for some time.

I hit a new low last Thursday when my wife & I went out for a brisk 4 mile walk in the evening and the ball of my foot went numb. Suddenly my "life line" fall back plan to walk the WHW was looking in jeopardy and I was not a happy bunny. After a weekend brooding about it, I went back to the doctor to see about x-rays, hospital referral etc. I've had a heap off blood tests & I'm getting an x-ray next week.

In all probability, these will show nothing useful but they have to be done before a hospital referral.

On Wednesday I decided that if walking was going to make my foot go numb I might as well jigger myself with running as it didn't seem to be making things worse so it was on with the clean running gear and out for a slow 2.5 mile jog. It wasn't a great success. Indeed, it was just the same as any run I've tried this year with pain at every step and I ended up walking parts.

Despite this the foot seemed to be improving slowly although my 2nd toe is still feeling a bit "fuzzy".

On Friday Muriel was very keen to get out for a run so I thought I'd give it another bash. Right from the outset things felt different and I could jog comfortably with minimal or no pain. We did about 4 miles and I enjoyed the whole run. Woo hoo! I even pushed hard up a couple of hills just for the thrill of getting out of breath and feeling my muscles working. Perhaps not sensible but it's been so long since I felt that thrill I just couldn't resist.

Fortunately those pushes don't seem to have aggravated anything and I do think that the pain has lessened. Fingers crossed big time that this is the start of a real recovery.

I'm still happy that I'm not doing the WHW race this year but who knows, I might make the Fling at a leisurely pace.

Friday, 13 February 2009

Thanks for all your support but... you've probably guessed, I've decided to pull out of this year's race.

I'm getting quite used to this now, this being my third pre-race withdrawal. ;-) Consequently, this isn't a heartbreaking decision, it's just a recognition that I have to do what I think is best for me. I'm very comfortable with the decision and I'm already looking forward to a year of non-running challenges.

In many ways, I feel like I've already missed the race. For me, the race really begins once my entry is accepted and from then on, I'm focused for the year ahead on my WHW goal. I take pleasure in the build-up in training and participating in the group runs so even if I were to get to the start line in "good enough" shape to complete the race, I'd still feel short changed.

So once again, my thanks to all for your words of encouragement and support. They were all appreciated.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Pain in the butt 1 - Chiropractor 0

Today I had my third (and I strongly suspect my last ever) treatment session. As before, a lot of pushing and shoving around, assurances that I was breathing much better (despite the fact I could feel no difference) and some decidedly uncomfortable neck cracking.

I'm afraid I'm probably not a good patient for chiropractic treatment as I just can't buy into the "life long" treatment business that they try so hard to sell. Nor do their theories about what they're doing really convince me. Despite my doubts I am/was prepared to give the treatment the benefit of the doubt based on results.

The results so far have been no improvement in my bum and a sore stiff neck after today's treatment. Consequently, unless things magically improve over the next week, I won't be going back.

Running wise, I'm still keeping my options open but I strongly suspect I'll be having a year off the WHW race this year.

Monday, 9 February 2009

Quack part deux

Today I had my second treatment session with my chiropractor. In all respects pretty much a re-run of my first treatment. A bit of uncomfortable pushing and shoving and a few cracks from places you never knew could crack.

So far I'm trying hard to keep an open mind but my chiropractor is very keen to stress the importance of a long term maintenance plan of regular treatments. More than a hint of time-share sales technique going on which I find very off putting.

I'm going to give it one, maybe two more goes and if I don't see any tangible improvement I'll take my money elsewhere. At £30 a session (with discounts if I buy a dozen sessions at a time!) it's not that much more than my private sessions with my physio but he doesn't expect me to keep visiting him for the rest of my life.

Runningwise, I did manage about 4 miles on Sunday. The first two were a bit of a struggle but once things warmed up the pain seemed to ease off so there may be hope. It's pushing through those first 2 miles that's the hard bit though.

Sunday, 8 February 2009

Going quackers

Firstly, I must thank those folk who've offered advice & support recently, in particular Brian and Richie. I'm not very good at this social networking stuff at the best of times and even worse when I'm not running. Anyway, thanks to you all, much appreciated.

As to "going quackers", I've been to see a quack. More specifically a chiropractor. Coming from a medical background I have a high degree of suspicion when it comes to any form of "alternative" therapy, unsupported by peer reviewed research & publications but when you're in a corner, you'll try anything.

It was an interesting experience, filled with various pops & crunches from my spine. Whilst I'm unconvinced by much of the speil that goes with the treatment, it was interesting to see how he picked up real discrepancies in my posture.

I would love to report that I'm now cured but that would be unrealistic. Of course you can't help hoping but I was a bit disappointed to find my pain *worse* the day after. Having said that, I managed a reasonable slow run today (about 4 miles). It started off with quite a lot of pain but as I warmed up things seemed to improve so maybe there is some hope.

I'll give my chiropractor the benefit of the doubt for a couple more sessions at least and decide what to do after that.

As to the long term, I'm obviously questioning whether to do the WHW race but I've decided to leave it to the end of the month before I make a decision. It's not all gloom and doom though, I've had plenty of time to think about running, life, goals, work etc. whilst I've not been running and in many ways, I feel I've "made my peace" so to speak and will be happy with whatever I end up doing this year. If I don't run the WHW race I will probably look for a different non-running challenge that I wouldn't normally consider because I'm used to thinking of myself as "a runner". Don't be too surprised if you see me and Muriel *walking* the WHW this summer during the race. ;-)